Monday, August 19, 2013

August 15, 2013. 7 weeks post op

7 weeks post op ACI and Fulkerson- Last week, I had a 6 week appointment with the doctor. He said I am ahead of schedule for my recovery in terms of swelling and muscle strength.  He gave the physical therapist (who met with us) the go ahead to start walking without crutches.

Right after the 6 week mark, I went on a vacation for 3 nights to Key Largo where I spent the day at the pool while my family went diving.  I got a wheelchair at the airports and that was helpful.  I would not have gone on the trip if I had to walk through the Atlanta airport.  First of all, we did not have to wait (stand) in the security lines, I was not up to walking far distances, particularly at the huge airport in Atlanta, and I avoided being in crowds of people where I could possibly get bumped or knocked over.  I highly recommend the wheelchair option.  I had just started walking without the crutch at home a couple days before I went away, but I used the crutch on the vacation when we were not in our hotel room.  I went in the pool and swam around using my arms. My doctor had said I could flutter kick, but I must  keep my legs straight. No "breast stroke" style kicking.  I found kicking more difficult than I had anticipated- my leg was stiff.  So, I held onto the side of the pool and kicked gently.  I was not careful enough on the beach and one evening I stepped into a hole in the sand with my newly operated leg which was scary and briefly painful. Luckily, I was using the crutch and that prevented my falling to the ground.  My knee hurt slightly, but felt better quickly-for which I was thankful .

At 7 weeks post-op, I would say it is not ideal to go on vacation.  I am glad we went because I wanted to have a family experience (and not stay home alone!), but if I had had control over time, I would have waited a few more weeks.

There are lots of new PT exercises at 7 weeks for me.  In addition to what I have been doing (quad stuff, leg lifts, a series of hip exercises "Pilates", and stretches for calf, hamstring, and quad) they added the following:
1. Ankle Weights for the hip exercises, 2. leg press machine, 3.balance board-2 legs and then 1 leg, sitting down and then back to standing, 4. plank and 5. side plank.  The standing and sitting are hard for me-partly because my "other" knee hurts when doing this.  I asked to use a platform to sit on so I am higher up and don't have as far to go.

I also went to the gym today and rode the bike for 30 minutes, somewhat vigorously with a bit of a higher level of resistance.  Then I swam laps for 25 minutes mostly using only my arms. I tried kicking, but it was somewhat painful in the knee and I am afraid to take any chances.  I feel glad to be doing exercise, but tired because I have been so sedentary!

My knee has improved alot the last couple days-less swollen and more flexible. Still, I like to use the crutch when going places where I may walk far (my quads or my knee does gettired/slightly sore at times) or where there will be alot of people. The crutch serves as a sign for others to be careful around me. Another way to signal "caution" to other is to wear a brace or a compression stocking (they have mesh black ones at PT), but my doctor has said not to wear the brace anymore.  One thing that has surprised me is that even when I am using a crutch or wear the brace, how people will not slow down near me or will "cut me off" -like at the grocery store or other crowded places.  It is unnerving.  I have started going to the grocery store without a crutch, but I don't shop for as long as I may have in the past. 

I feel best after I do the exercises that work the quad.  When I first wake up, sometimes my thigh muscle gives out and I almost fall, so I keep the crutch by the bed for when I wake up.  The swelling has decreased alot, although not back to normal yet.  Sometimes it feels a bit warm and I usually ice it when I exercise.  The scar has started to mature and is not too bad.  There is no noticeable difference in my leg muscles-ie, the operated does not look atrophied. Because the improvement in my strength, swelling and pain have been rapid recently, I think my stamina and strength will continue to improve in the next few weeks.

July 29, 2013. -5 weeks post op

It's just about 5 weeks post surgery.  Tomorrow I will go to PT and I think I will go to one or no crutches.  It will be helpful because with 2 crutches, it is hard to carry anything.  Ill be more independent, although I hope my kids will still help out as much as they have up till now.  It's good for them and been a nice break for me from household chores. But, again, I do worry about putting weight on my knee!  I realize that if the doctor approves more weight bearing, then it's ok and I should not hesitate...

I have had some renewed pain the last couple days. Nothing terrible-and mainly when I do exercises.
 I think it is because I slept with my knee propped on a pillow. I hope that it is not an indication of any setbacks on the graft.  It is hard not being able to know for sure.  I may be overly anxious about the knee-more than others in my situation.  I do find myself worrying about the ultimate success of the surgery, especially when there is any new pain.  But it could very well be nothing and I know that too.  Perhaps the biggest challenge wih the ACI is psychological-because it is slow progress and one must wait some time before finding out if it will "work"! 
  I hadn't wanted to take pain pills because I had some stomach upset from the Percoset, but I finally did just now after 2 days.  I decided that I need to do the exercises well (especially when i go to the physical therapist to orrow) and also that if there is inflammation, that its best to decrease it.

A very positive note is that I have going to the gym and riding the bike and doing upper body weight machines.  I am approved by my doctor to swim, so I hope to try that soon.  I am nervous about the slippery pool area on crutches and getting in and out. The doctor had said its ok to kick (straight leg flutter kick), so I can see if that is comfortable. I also thought I might purchase something to float both legs and the. Just swim with my arms in crawl stroke.  I could do a combination. I am really looking forward to starting that!

*update on this post:  the pain in my knee was due to tightened tissue and adhesions around the patella. During PT visits, the therapist always "mobilizes" the patella back and forth and up and down.  That loosens the scar tissue and   I had missed a week of therapy because my therapist was booked up and I don't do the mobilization on my own.  After two or three visits to therapy, the knee felt good again.

July 19, 2013-23days post op

23 days post op:  Today was my first day driving and it was no problem.  I still have to use crutches to walk, so I needed my teen son to carry my purse and walk my dog on the leash when we went to the vet and then I waited in the car when he went into the grocery (with my credit card!) to get a few things because I did not feel like crutching around the store.  I have been out to eat twice and went to one birthday party for about an hour.  I realize that some people would go back to work around now and I can see how that would be ok-especially if one could stay seated and prop up the leg as needed.  I think if I were doing more walking and not able to prop my leg-I may have to ice more. As it is, I only ice after doing my exercises.

It is getting a bit "old" being on crutches-but I hope it will be worth it. All I can think about is whether the new cartilage will be healthy and strong and ultimately successful. 

July 11, 2013

On Monday, which was one day short of 2 weeks post op, the physical therapist added just two things to my routine: ie more hip work that are related to Pilates moves. I already did a side leg raise of my operated (right) leg, while lying on my left side. Now added also leg circles with legs parallel and also kicks.  Will only go to PT 1x a week until 4 week mark when I thi k I will be doing more weight bearing.  My knee looks great-less swelling today, pain not bad but I take a pain pill half hour before I do the CPM machine. As this recovery has been surprisingly smooth (so far!) it starts to seem possible to do the other leg at 6 weeks post op. but I will not be making any decisions for awhile.

I reread some posts related to patellar ACI and was relieved to see that others who have had this surgery in past year or so also reported a relatively aggressive protocol of higher CPM degrees and weight bearing than they had expected. I continue to go to 120 on CPM and use crutches while putting some weight on right leg (20 lbs) which is similar to some posts I just read.

July 4, 2013

Yesterday, I went for my 10 day appointment.  The nurse took out my sutures-which hurt a bit-but not badly! Sylvia, who is Dr. Gillogly's assistant, seems to be a pro at removing them.  Dr. Gillogly has fellows working for him.  Dr. Shue has been his fellow since I have been going to that office and for both surgeries.  She assisted on both surgeries, although he said that fellows do not do the ACI's, only him.  She probably did some of my osteotomy this last time though.  She is finishing her fellowship and will work for Kaiser here in Atlanta, where they are starting an Orho program (or an enhanced one-something is new about it) and she seems excellent. I was sorry to say goodbye to her because she always comes by during PT and seems very smart and is also warm and friendly. 

 They confirmed that it is fine for me to do the high degree of range of motion on the CPM machine-no risks for to the patella graft. They explained why, but I don't clearly remember the details-it related to where the graft is.They recommended I continue on the CPM for 4 hours a day.  I already have max ROM, but it is good for scar tissue and also, there is a belief (per Dr. Gillogly and I also read this) that the cells learn from the CPM movement, where the cells should settle to accommodate bending and normal movement of the knee.  This is a theory that I don't think they know the exact reason for.   I can use the brace at home, but don't always have to.  I do not have to sleep in it, although I can if I toss and turn alot.  The movement I must avoid is going from a bent to a straight knee.  For example, if I am sitting with my leg dangling and then straighten my leg.  I must use my other leg to straighten it, but coming under the leg and using it as a support.  The brace can be uncomfortable and so I will use it less, although I am nervous about inadvertently twisting or unbending, so I won't stop using it completely at home.

The protocol for me has been surprisingly different from the Cartilcel/Genzyme packet I received, from protocols online such as the Brigham and Women's rehab (, and from the link that Vickster shared here, as well as the protocol described by Grace.  This could very well be because the patella ACI is one of the newer ones (of a new surgery!) but also perhaps Dr. Gillogly is using more aggressive rehab that he has found works well.  He has been doing alot (relatively) of the patella ACI's.  So the higher range of motion, not sleeping in the brace, weight bearing soon after surgery, etc. Because I have been doing so well in terms of pain and range of motion (sorry I keep repeating this), I may be able to drive next week.  I would use my left (good) leg for brakes, to protect the graft on the right. 

The hardest thing about this surgery for me, in light of the fact that my recovery has been very easy so far-minimal pain, good range of motion-is waiting to see if the "graft" worked.  I was discussing my hopes for the 2nd knee and Dr. Gillogly said that I have to make certain that this surgery worked for me.  He is in general very encouraging and positive-but that is a fact.  I had an xray yesterday and saw the screws from the osteotomy and everything looks great, but the xray does not show the cartilage.  Dr. G said there is a type of MRI that shows the cartilage clearly from a procedure like this one, but it is not widely available and insurance won't cover it.  So, most of the diagnosis of the success of an ACI is from the patient's functioning: ie a poor outcome would be if the patient has difficulty walking later in the process, etc.  

I do have confidence in Dr. Gillogly.  He is a respected surgeon and also has a very nice manner - easy to talk to and does not seem in a rush from the first time I met him.  I personally do not mind that he has fellows helping him.  To me that shows that he is dedicated to teaching and if I were at Emory here in Atlanta or at another teaching hospital, fellows would be involved too.  This also means that he has to keep up to date on the latest research and techniques since he is teaching new practitioners.

The last thing I will add is despite a low level of pain, I still do take pain medicine throughout the day-mainly for exercise, particularly for the CPM machine, and also to sleep.  Last night, I tried to go to sleep without meds and ended up taking them.  I may be able to move to just Alleve, but at present I am taking one one 325 mg Hydrocodone and one Alleve(which is supposed to last 12 hours).  I don't worry about overusing meds for any reason except that I have a sensitive stomach and have already had a bleeding ulcer-and both the prescription and non prescription meds can cause stomach issues!  Also, in my first or second post op post, i said that I wished I had practiced with the crutches.  I think my problem the first couple days was more weakness from having had surgery. After those first days and since, using the crutches has been a breeze.  I do not have any steps though in my house which helps.
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« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 09:52:31 PM by ozzie »
ACI patella surgery and Fulkerson with Dr. Gillogly June 25, 2013
Extensive cartilage damage in both knees due to misalignment of patellas

July 4, 2013

Tomorrow will be one week since my surgery.  I have a PT session and I do have some questions-mainly I just want to review and have everything written down. It seems very important that I am absolutely certain how to do things and what the limits are so that I do not damage the new cartilage.

 I have been told that I can put up to 20 lbs on my right leg.  Also, that I can do as high of a degree of ROM on the CPM machine as I am able-and I am able to do unlimited-120 and beyond.  Even though the doctor and the physical therapist approved this, I just want to review it again, because this protocol is not the same as the more limited one I had expected and I want to be absolutely sure I am not doing anything to damage the graft!  The computers have not been working at the office, so the therapist has written things down and some things she just said verbally without writing them down and I did not take notes.  The first day, my husband came with me and he did take notes and one thing was that I should "not go from bent to straight" which we think meant when I was ambulating, but I am not positive!  So, I have been keeping my leg straight most of the time.  They had said I should put on my brace in locked position and then can unlock it, which means it can bend.  I want to review all of it though.  I am doing amazingly well thus far, with the pain managed well with the medication that I am taking about every 5 hours still.  I have lots of energy and am reading, writing, watching movies, letting my family wait on me, and taking crutch tours of the house several times a day.  When friends visit, I am able to sit in the family room with my leg propped up on coffee table and socialize easily.  It may be a neurotic, overly anxious thing, but I almost feel like it is too easy and hope that the ease does not mean that the graft did not take!  I guess everyone with this type of surgery (ACI, denovo, etc) will wonder how the graft looks and I can't have a xray/mri for quite a while I guess....

July 1, 2013. 1 week post op

Tomorrow will be one week since my surgery.  I have a PT session and I do have some questions-mainly I just want to review and have everything written down. It seems very important that I am absolutely certain how to do things and what the limits are so that I do not damage the new cartilage.

 I have been told that I can put up to 20 lbs on my right leg.  Also, that I can do as high of a degree of ROM on the CPM machine as I am able-and I am able to do unlimited-120 and beyond.  Even though the doctor and the physical therapist approved this, I just want to review it again, because this protocol is not the same as the more limited one I had expected and I want to be absolutely sure I am not doing anything to damage the graft!  The computers have not been working at the office, so the therapist has written things down and some things she just said verbally without writing them down and I did not take notes.  The first day, my husband came with me and he did take notes and one thing was that I should "not go from bent to straight" which we think meant when I was ambulating, but I am not positive!  So, I have been keeping my leg straight most of the time.  They had said I should put on my brace in locked position and then can unlock it, which means it can bend.  I want to review all of it though.  I am doing amazingly well thus far, with the pain managed well with the medication that I am taking about every 5 hours still.  I have lots of energy and am reading, writing, watching movies, letting my family wait on me, and taking crutch tours of the house several times a day.  When friends visit, I am able to sit in the family room with my leg propped up on coffee table and socialize easily.  It may be a neurotic, overly anxious thing, but I almost feel like it is too easy and hope that the ease does not mean that the graft did not take!  I guess everyone with this type of surgery (ACI, denovo, etc) will wonder how the graft looks and I can't have a xray/mri for quite a while I guess....

Sunday, August 18, 2013

June 28-48 hours post op

48 hours, plus: I am now writing three days in a row-which I won't keep up-but i have to comment on the minimal amount of pain i have had so far.  I have had the femoral nerve block medicine still going-I carry it in a little pouch that goes on my shoulder or my neck like a necklace.  I reduced the speed of release for the medicine as of this morning, just to keep it going as long as possible.  It looks to be getting pretty low now and I am starting to feel more in my leg.  I was numb for about 36 hours and really this afternoon, more than 48 hours after surgery, is when I have started to feel some pain.  I guess because of the medicine and numbness, I have been able to achieve very good degree of knee movement.  I use the constant passive machine CPM about 4 hours each day-actually more, because I am trying to take advantage of this time with so little pain where I can hopefully prevent scar tissue and encourage blood circulation in the knee/leg, which is good for the graft.  The degree of knee movement is at 110 degrees!!!!  When I had the arthroscopy in March, to harvest the cartilage, I could barely bend at first and absolutely could not engage my quads.  Today, I was able to lift the leg using the quadriceps (ie not compensating by using hip muscles) and we added straight leg lifts to my PT exercises, along with hamstring stretch, calf stretch, heel prop (prop it on a thick foam so that the leg straightens-not so comfortable, but therapeutic)., and ankle pumps (moving foot around, "drawing letters" in the air with toes).

  I am walking on the crutches a few times a day around the house and to the car when I have to.  I have only gone out of the house to go to PT this morning and yesterday morning. My husband keeps reminding me that I have to get up and move some so that I don't develop blood clots and to keep circulation going. Today, I was fitted and given my immobilizer brace that I will be wearing for 6 weeks to 3 months.  So far, it is not uncomfortable.  I have heard from other people I know and read on this site that the brace can be painful if it pushes into tender areas. 

I know there may be some challenges ahead with rehab, but the lack of pain and the quick initial progress has been great! 

June 26-preparations I'm glad I made

I may already have listed the things that i purchased prior to surgery that are helpful, but if not, I would like to share my suggestions.  I got many of the ideas from other peoples' posts.  I bought most, if not all the stuff on Amazon.  Most are really reasonably priced-the shoes are expensive!

1. Raised toilet seat[ftp] - Drive Medical Premium Seat Riser with Removable Arms for Standard Toilets,    purchased on Amazon.  Very good-comfortable, good height, and stable because it is screwed in.  Has arm rails.$34.70
2. Shower seat-white plastic seat, can't find the brand-Amazon purchase.
3. Merrell shoes-I got a few to use for the duration of rehab (and rehab for my next knee eventually)  My favorite is: Merrell Women's Circuit Mary Jane Breeze Shoe ($136) and also I like another pair :Ahnu Women's Gracie Flat.-$110, purchased on Amazon too! 
4. a hospital style table on wheels, which I absolutely love, even before the surgery I have been using it bedside or in a chair.  The brand I got is very stable, lifts and lowers easily, is large enough for computer and books, place for cups.  The brand is: Medline Overbed Table, Composite Top-$65.
5.  I rented the "Game Ready" ice machine-my doctor works with a certain company who met me before both knee surgeries at the surgery suite prior to my operation to review how to use it.  It cost $300 to use for both surgeries.  I have submitted the receipt to see if insurance will help with cost.  This is an amazing invention!
6. I put a chair (actually the rocking chair I bought for nursing my kids when they were babies) with an ottoman in my room to make it easy to get to a place to sit comfortably.

**July 29-I am adding a couple more thoughts here about planning for surgery.  In retrospect, I am very glad that I accepted offers of help from family, friends, and neighbors.  Several people brought meals, a couple friends drove me around, and some people brought treats, and I have had visitors that came to chat and refill my ice machine, make me a snack, and keep me company.  I had hesitated at times when people offered to help, not wanting to put anyone out or burden anyone, and I highly recommend to accept all offers!  People want to help and it makes a big difference. It was really nice for me and my family to have the meals that people brought over.  It's very very helpful and also nice to know people care.  Even if you only have one or two offers of help-it can make a positive difference. 

Also, I have enjoyed my time reading and watching movies I got from Netflix -stuff I don't do enough of normally. But, I found having a visitor stop by each day or a few times a week- to be a mood booster, and kep me from feeling isolated.  Some people offered to visit-ESP my closest friends-but I also asked friends who live in my town to come over for an hour or so, if I was needing some company. 

June 26-first PT session

I went to PT for the first time today (day after surgery).  I saw the fellow who works with the doctor and will see Dr. Gillogly day after tomorrow.  I still am numb and not in pain.  I am trying to take advantage of this time with no pain to get used to the crutches.  Also, in PT today, I bent my knee at 90', which may not happen once the pain develops.  I just now am using the CPM machine-"constant passive motion"for the first time and I am going to try to get it up to 90' today.  Again, once pain meds wear off, this will likely be uncomfortable, but right now I can do it easily.  Its good to bend it to prevent against scar tissue build up and also develop flexibility that will help my progress.    I took some Percocet today because I have a bit of feeling coming back and very slight pain.  i have read the knee geek/guru diaries and posts related to the ACI and the Fulkerson, as well as other knee surgeries, and everyone says stay ahead of the pain.   I had just read a post by someone who had the same surgery (on the website: "knee geeks") about her post op experience and sounds like once she started to regain sensation, the pain came on quite quickly (and her nurses were not on the ball and she suffered for that).  I am at home and in control, so I am starting the pain meds now!!!!

I thought I would have more limitations, but today the PT said I should be driving before 6 weeks, which is sooner than I had expected.  Also, I can touch my foot down on the ground when I am standing, to help with balance., which the physical therapist said with other areas of the knee for ACI, the protocol is to not bear any weight in the beginning.

There is one small stair in front of our entry door and this morning and yesterday I was so scared to lost my balance on it, that I had my husband pick me up and over the threshold (so romantic)!  But at PT today, the therapist said I can put right foot (the one that had the operation) down as I do a stair or something harder, as long as I put all my strength into the crutches and not put much weight down on that foot.

June 26-ACI surgery-1day post op

I had my ACI AND Fulkerson surgeries yesterday morning.  The doctor was Scott Gillogly in Atlanta.  The location was in his "surgery suite" next door to his office. I had two nerve blocks, femoral and sciatic, so 24 hours later my leg is numb (although I can move it- to swing it over to get out of bed, etc.  (I am using my thigh muscles though, not the quads, which  are hard to engage because of the block).  Today when I go to the office to meet with PT and the doctor/nurse/and or fellow, they will refill the little ball with the block medicine and so I should have relief for another 24 hours.  I think that will be the femoral block only. I will also see my phuysical therapist (PT is also located at the office which is especially good for ACI patients because the therapist are well trained for the ACI protocol working with this doctor.

So I've been feeling well all day yesterday and woke up this morning well too.  Dr Gillogly said to lay on my stomach as much as possible so that gravity helps the patch to adhere.  I have my "cuff" for icing and squeeze,although I can't feel it!  Also a soft brace to help me keep knee straight.  I will soon get the more "serious brace-perhaps today that I have seen the ACI patients wear in PT.

Feeling very excited to be finally "moving forward"

Insurance issues

May 21, 2013-after a disappointing and frustrating 2 months, where my insurance issued multiple denials and stonewalled any communication, I did get an approval for the lab -ie growing cells at Carticel.  We knew someone at the insurance company and that person helped us to talk to administrators.  Based on the fact that I already had the first surgery, they approved it.  I need the left knee done too-so I hope that we will be able to approve that when I am ready.  My husband's office may change insurance companies (he has a say in it because he is a partner in the business)-which might be helpful....My understanding is that this insurance has approved ACI patella surgery through Carticcel and including through my doctor's office. The problem is how difficult they make it to communicate after a denial.

I am cautiously excited to move forward and I have surgery date for June 18.   My doctor is not in network and had been approved for both surgeries in network (United Healthcare had approved that easily and quickly-which made it even more surprising when things became difficult with them)because he is the only doctor in my area with experience with ACI surgery (and the PT's who work in the office are trained in rehab for ACI as well).  So now it has to be reap proved and I hope that does not have any complications that will change the date again.  I hope to be posting in a few weeks about ACI rehab and not about insurance. (: