Monday, August 19, 2013

August 15, 2013. 7 weeks post op

7 weeks post op ACI and Fulkerson- Last week, I had a 6 week appointment with the doctor. He said I am ahead of schedule for my recovery in terms of swelling and muscle strength.  He gave the physical therapist (who met with us) the go ahead to start walking without crutches.

Right after the 6 week mark, I went on a vacation for 3 nights to Key Largo where I spent the day at the pool while my family went diving.  I got a wheelchair at the airports and that was helpful.  I would not have gone on the trip if I had to walk through the Atlanta airport.  First of all, we did not have to wait (stand) in the security lines, I was not up to walking far distances, particularly at the huge airport in Atlanta, and I avoided being in crowds of people where I could possibly get bumped or knocked over.  I highly recommend the wheelchair option.  I had just started walking without the crutch at home a couple days before I went away, but I used the crutch on the vacation when we were not in our hotel room.  I went in the pool and swam around using my arms. My doctor had said I could flutter kick, but I must  keep my legs straight. No "breast stroke" style kicking.  I found kicking more difficult than I had anticipated- my leg was stiff.  So, I held onto the side of the pool and kicked gently.  I was not careful enough on the beach and one evening I stepped into a hole in the sand with my newly operated leg which was scary and briefly painful. Luckily, I was using the crutch and that prevented my falling to the ground.  My knee hurt slightly, but felt better quickly-for which I was thankful .

At 7 weeks post-op, I would say it is not ideal to go on vacation.  I am glad we went because I wanted to have a family experience (and not stay home alone!), but if I had had control over time, I would have waited a few more weeks.

There are lots of new PT exercises at 7 weeks for me.  In addition to what I have been doing (quad stuff, leg lifts, a series of hip exercises "Pilates", and stretches for calf, hamstring, and quad) they added the following:
1. Ankle Weights for the hip exercises, 2. leg press machine, 3.balance board-2 legs and then 1 leg, sitting down and then back to standing, 4. plank and 5. side plank.  The standing and sitting are hard for me-partly because my "other" knee hurts when doing this.  I asked to use a platform to sit on so I am higher up and don't have as far to go.

I also went to the gym today and rode the bike for 30 minutes, somewhat vigorously with a bit of a higher level of resistance.  Then I swam laps for 25 minutes mostly using only my arms. I tried kicking, but it was somewhat painful in the knee and I am afraid to take any chances.  I feel glad to be doing exercise, but tired because I have been so sedentary!

My knee has improved alot the last couple days-less swollen and more flexible. Still, I like to use the crutch when going places where I may walk far (my quads or my knee does gettired/slightly sore at times) or where there will be alot of people. The crutch serves as a sign for others to be careful around me. Another way to signal "caution" to other is to wear a brace or a compression stocking (they have mesh black ones at PT), but my doctor has said not to wear the brace anymore.  One thing that has surprised me is that even when I am using a crutch or wear the brace, how people will not slow down near me or will "cut me off" -like at the grocery store or other crowded places.  It is unnerving.  I have started going to the grocery store without a crutch, but I don't shop for as long as I may have in the past. 

I feel best after I do the exercises that work the quad.  When I first wake up, sometimes my thigh muscle gives out and I almost fall, so I keep the crutch by the bed for when I wake up.  The swelling has decreased alot, although not back to normal yet.  Sometimes it feels a bit warm and I usually ice it when I exercise.  The scar has started to mature and is not too bad.  There is no noticeable difference in my leg muscles-ie, the operated does not look atrophied. Because the improvement in my strength, swelling and pain have been rapid recently, I think my stamina and strength will continue to improve in the next few weeks.

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